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How to Care for a Poinsettia at Home
Green Living

How to Care for a Poinsettia at Home

How to care for the poinsettia at home - How to take care of the poinsettia at home
GW Admin

The secret to perfectly hydrating the plant, keeping it beautiful even beyond the Christmas holidays


With the arrival of the Christmas holidays, our homes are enriched with decorations and the poinsettia is one of the most beloved. The poinsettia has large colored leaves, often red (but also pink or white), which look like flower petals. The actual flowers are small and yellow and are located in the center of the plant. Since the poinsettia naturally blooms during the winter season, this plant is associated with the Christmas holiday period and is used to add a decorative and festive touch. However, behind its vibrantly red petals lies a crucial secret: watering. To keep the poinsettia in top shape during the Christmas season and beyond, proceed with the bottom-watering technique: 1. Fill the saucer or container in which our poinsettia is placed with water; 2. Wait 10-15 minutes to give the roots time to absorb all the water the plant needs; 3. After this time, remove any excess water to prevent it from stagnating and rotting the roots. This technique, based on the absorption of water from the bottom, makes the soil surface appear dry even when the earth is sufficiently wet. Therefore, to determine if the poinsettia needs watering, we must rely on its weight; when it is light, it means that it needs water. The frequency of watering the poinsettia is generally every 2 or 3 days, but it can vary depending on its size and the temperature of the environment in which it is located. Place the poinsettia in a location with diffused light, avoiding drafts and temperature fluctuations to which the plant is sensitive to keep it in excellent health.

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