Bike Sharing [TO]Bike Turin

Bike Sharing [TO]Bike Turin

Bike Sharing TOBike Torino TO Piemonte Italia Bicicletta - Bicicletta gialla TOBike in piazza a Torino con fontana
Bike Sharing [TO]Bike Torino

10121 - Turin (TO) - Piedmont, Italy - From Italy: Free Phone Number 800 548 040



[TO]BIKE, the bike sharing service in the Turin metropolitan area, is witness to an innovative mobility project, a real alternative to the urban mobility car, the most appropriate response to the needs of a city that decides to take a new road. Less busy, no queues, with a look at the environment and energy. 

The bike is available wherever it is needed. A public vehicle that is not to be expected, which allows you to arrive before and is also fun and healthy. 

[TO]BIKE allows you to use bikes in the municipalities of Turin, Collegno, Grugliasco, Alpignano, Druento, Venaria Reale.

Lots of bike sharing stations in the city, lots of opportunities to move fast in an autonomous and sustainable way

A network of connections designed for those who want to live the city on two wheels, for those who prefer to feel free from city traffic. [TO]Bike is the new bike sharing service in Turin and of all those who attend the city for work, leisure or tourism. 

By subscribing to the service you can take the bicycle in one of the stations in the city and deposit it in any one, provided you have free parking. 

Designed for short trips, bike sharing today represents the most convenient form of urban travel, both in terms of time and in economic terms. Thanks to the electronic card you can use your bicycle every 24 hours to avoid traffic and parking problems.

You can check the availability of the bikes in real time on the [TO]BIKE website.
County Province District DépartmentTurin (TO)
City Town MunicipalityTurin
  • Online Shop
  • Classic Vehicle Sharing
Green Points
  • Sustainable Mobility
  • Zero Emissions
  • Sharing

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