In the enchanting town of San Severino Lucano, in the heart of Pollino National Park and at Mount Pollino's feet, you can find in the village square the local crafts and typical products shop by Simonetti Carmine.
Wood worked according to ancient traditions gives life to tools that recall childhood memories, when our grandparents put good wine in the barrels and slammed the baskets for fruit.
In our shop you can buy and taste the Basilicata Region's specialties such as Canestrato di Moliterno, berries infusions, Mount Pollino's herbs grappa, fresh and dried porcini mushrooms and much more.
The Simonetti family follows its customers with careful professionalism, suggesting the choice among different products, simple recipes or baking mode.
They themselves, as retailers, are the first sponsors of the products they suggest, because they are the most loyal consumers, as well as critical keepers of their high quality.
Constantly committed to ensuring the best value for money, they are at the service of health and good eating for 40 years.