Il Mandorlo Fair Trade Shop believe in a world based on social and economic justice and sustainable development. A world where respect for the environment, people and their fundamental rights is the foundation of any market logic.
Il Mandorlo intends to spread, in its own territory, conscious and responsible consumption by promoting and selling fair trade products.
In the Pescara shop you can buy fair trade products, but also know and deepen the social development projects associated with them, have information on producers, their pay and price allocation in the import and distribution chain.
The shop is also a meeting point, deepening and exchange, where all those who intend to act and engage in a business of justice and for the construction of another world can find the spaces and travel companions.
The Social Cooperative "Il Mandorlo" was established in 1992 by a small group of friends firmly united in the hope and dream of a more just world and, above all, in the determination to necessarily have to do something to have the right to hope and dream it.
In all these years the cooperative has always tried to combine commercial and cultural activities; information, sensitization, campaigns for the defense of human rights, public debates in which personalities such as Alex Zanotelli, Arturo Paoli, Giovanni Franzoni and Alberto Castagnola participated.
The volunteers of the cooperative have promoted the issues of fair trade in many events and festivals throughout Abruzzo and participated in educational initiatives in schools and international cooperation projects.
Step by step, Il Mandorlo has turned into a small social enterprise that markets fair trade products in the workshop of Pescara and carries out the wholesale business to many points of solidarity economy born in the region.