The Mare Memoria Viva Urban Ecomuseum was born as a research on the relationship between the city of Palermo and its sea.
We worked in the neighborhoods of the city's coastal area, meeting and interviewing the inhabitants, mapping the significant locations of the territory, collecting stories, photographs, videos and recipes, organizing activities and meetings in public spaces and aggregation sites.
This work gave birth to the ecomuseum: a space of cultures and relationships that is aimed at both tourists and residents. To the original materials collected through community work it has been added photos and movies from the beautiful archives of the CRICD - Regional Catalog and Documentation Center, the Mare Negato project and the work shared by authors, artists and inhabitants of the city.
What does Ecomuseum mean? It means community museum or museum of the territory. So many families took part by giving photographs and videos, or telling cameras or recorders a story, a thought, a battle, a desire that has to do with the Palermo sea.
In the museum areas you will find many stories and many voices telling about the transformations of this complex city, as well as about lives and work of so many people, testimonies of a living memory that indicates, to those who will listen, future prospects.
We chose to use sound, image and multimedial technologies, to narrate, with contemporary means, a rich and important patrimony that must be known to everyone.
The relationship with the sea tells a lot about the city that existed, the one that is nowdays and the one that could be in the future: there are stories of resistance, travel, trade, vacations, work; there are memories, faded photos, forgotten places, fairy tales, postcards; there are sailors, harbors, writers, poets, bathers, fishermen, shipyard workers, captains and sailors, people who go to sea and people who always bring him in wherever they are.
The ecomuseum is an open space for the territory proposals, a space of culture and aggregation for all generations. It promotes shared social responsibility, community-based care and community tourism; it offers cultural, tourism, educational activities, alternative economics and active citizenship.
We want to create a community of people living there and we are ready to share our resources: spaces, relationships, ideas and skills. Each of you can join the community and share and contribute as you please and as you know.
The ecomuseum offers educational activities for schools of every order and degree by researching innovative methodologies appropriate to the new technologies, exhibits and communication that make up the narrative of the museum.
Narrative visits, workshops, walks, neighborhood mappings, school activities, school-work alternation projects, teacher training, special training projects are just some of the activities we propose.
Come and visit us, write us, propose activities, tell us your stories, use the available space: support the ecomuseum of the Palermo Sea with us.