World Recycling Day - March 18th
World Days

World Recycling Day - March 18th

World Recycling Day - March 18th - World Recycling Day - March 18th
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The importance of recycling and the mistakes not to be made for correct waste sorting

Event date: 3/18/2024 Export event



Established in 2018 by the Global Recycling Foundation, the world recycling day on March 18th is aimed at raising awareness of individuals, companies and institutions on the theme of recycling and the importance it assumes in pursuing the objectives of circular economy.

The circular economy model, in fact, in contrast to the linear economy model currently in use, aims to extend the life cycle of the goods already produced, thus reducing the amount of waste to be disposed of in landfills.

In this sense, the European Union has set for 2035 the maximum threshold of 10% of volumes of urban waste that can be disposed of in landfills.

Recycling is also essential for the fight against climate change; a study by the Bureau of International Recycling, in fact, highlights how with the sole practice of recycling it is possible to avoid the emission of 700 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere deriving from the production of new products that use additional environmental resources.

To achieve the objectives of environmental sustainability and avoid both waste and pollution, we must begin to think of waste in terms of resources to be used and not as something to be eliminated because it is no longer needed.

Recycling means giving a new life to a waste or to some parts of it in the creation of new products of the same type or products of a different nature.

We can recycle creatively (upcycling) creating products of greater value than the initial materials or we can recycle downstream (downcycling) in which the materials used in the creation of a new product lose value during the transformation process.

The practice at the base of recycling is a correct waste sorting upstream by us, the citizens.

Often, hopefully always in good faith, we make mistakes in diversifying the waste to be disposed of in the various bins due to lack of appropriate information.

Here are the most common mistakes NOT TO MAKE for a correct waste sorting:

  • Throw the paper into the paper bin in a plastic bag. Let's collect paper directly in a paper bag that nowadays they always give us while shopping;
  • Throwing the tax receipts into the paper bin. The receipts are made of paper and other substances that cannot be recycled, so they go to the unsorted waste bin;
  • Throw the wax paper, parchment paper, and aluminum foil into the paper. Like the receipts, these products are not only made of paper so they go to the unsorted waste bin;
  • Throw the bulbs into the glass bin. NO, the bulbs are not only made of glass, but also of electrical components, so they must be disposed of in special WEEE collection centers for electrical and electronic waste;
  • Throw the Tetrapack containers into the unsorted waste bin. The tetrapack is a material composed of a mix of paper, plastic and aluminum and is therefore completely recyclable, just check the waste bin indicated by your municipality;
  • Throw the toothpaste into the unsorted waste bin. The finished toothpaste tube is a plastic packaging that must be placed in the plastic bin;
  • Throw ceramic, pyrex and crystal objects into the glass bin. Unfortunately, these materials are not recyclable so they must be disposed of in the unsorted waste bin.


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