Handicraft Shop Il Mulino

Handicraft Shop Il Mulino

Bottega di Artigianato Il Mulino Udine UD Friuli Venezia Giulia Italia Creazioni Artigianali - Creazioni Artigianali Friuli Venezia Giulia
Artigianato Il Mulino

67, Via Poscolle - 33100 - Udine (UD) - Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy - Tel. +39 (0)432 295485



Il Mulino, a craft shop, has been offering the best handmade local products of Friuli's artisans for over 30 years; it has been operating in the artistic craft sector since 1974.

The commercial initiative is based on the reality of the artisitic craftsmanship of Friuli region

In 1974 the activity began in a small shop in Via del Gelso. 

In the '30s, along the canal of this street, a mill worked and hence the idea of ​​the name. 

In 1980 the business changed management and passed into the hands of the Mattiussi family, which still manages it. In 1995 it changed its location and moved on to the current shop in Via Poscolle. 

The commercial initiative has always been based on the reality of the artistic craftsmanship of our region to keep alive the "Made in Friuli"

Over the years we have operated a careful and scrupulous qualitative choice in the various sectors of Friulian craftsmanship. All the representative items of the Friuli region are the ideal proposal for a gift idea, for making wedding favors and for decorating your home

The artisanal-artistic laboratories we work with are based in the provinces of Udine, Gorizia and Pordenone. 

You just have to discover all our products: the typical fabrics of Friuli, the hand-decorated ceramics, the chandeliers etc...

RegionFriuli Venezia Giulia
County Province District DépartmentUdine (UD)
City Town MunicipalityUdine
  • Disabled Accessible
  • ATM Nearby
  • Bus Stop Nearby
  • Local Products from Vendors
  • Handicraft
Green Points
  • Supports Local Economy
  • Resumes Ancient Local Methods
  • Reachable Foot or Public Transit
  • Recycling

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