Agritourisms and Farms

Agritourism 3 Re

Agriturismo 3 Re

6/A, Via della Fragola - 44124 - San Bartolomeo in Bosco (FE) - Emilia Romagna, Italy - Tel. +39 (0)532 725029/+39 331 1532754 - Fax. +39 (0)532 722555



Conceived as a social and relaxation place living according to nature, at our restaurant you can enjoy several delicious menus accompanied by great wines

Our cuisine is the expression of the love and respect we have for nature, giving you a high quality local food

Our menus are changed every three months in order to propose dishes associated with the seasonality; for us this is synonymous of freshness and goodness. We use organic and/or D.O.P. products

To ensure relaxation there is a Jacuzzi pool, where you can also attend water aerobics and relaxation classes on demand, in addition you can visit the garden of forgotten fruits (a magical place where some varieties of fruit trees virtually disappeared from our places now have been rediscovered) and nearby you can find the lake that provides an ideal place for walks in nature. 

Among the activities organized at the farm you will be able to enjoy live music shows or themed entertainment evenings

The farm called San Francesco is our family's property since the early '900. It has always suited to fruit production mainly apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums and strawberries, but also horticultural crops. 

Today, the farm is a company that has believed and invested in his productions and in the diversification of activities linking our passions to a life close to nature. 

The company's production is structured to ensure that 35% of it goes for our restaurant. In detail, the San Francesco's Farm production is outlined in: Chickens, Pharaoh, Vegetables (grown outdoors and/or in greenhouses), mushrooms, flour for pasta and bread handmade, fruit and dairy products (including forgotten fruits), aromatic herbs and derivatives. 

To close the circle of the activities offered by us we directly sell some of our products; you could not miss our jams.

RegionEmilia Romagna
County Province District DépartmentFerrara (FE)
City Town MunicipalitySan Bartolomeo in Bosco
EatAgritourisms and Farms
  • Farm
  • Local Products from Vendors
  • Certified Products
  • Vegetable Garden
  • Snack Area or Restaurant
  • Restaurant External Seating
  • Traditional Cuisine
  • Organic Cuisine
  • Table Service
  • Garden
  • Swimming Pool
  • Relaxation Area
  • Classes, Seminars, Workshops
  • Event Organization
Green Points
  • Supports Local Economy
  • Resumes Ancient Local Methods
  • Recycling
  • Own Production Products
  • Organic Products
  • Local Food
  • Short Distribution Chain

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